







卡卡的弟弟迪加奧也是足球員,現效力AC米蘭,司職後衛。卡卡本人曾表示希望在球會以及2008年北京奧運都能與洛迪高並肩作賽。「卡卡」這個昵稱是來源於他的弟弟迪加奧,迪加奧小時候因拼不出哥哥本名「列卡度」 (Ricardo),因此常稱哥哥為Caca,Caca是「「列卡度」」的縮寫形式,重音在第二個音節,所以稱他的哥哥為「卡卡」。


卡卡是一名虔誠的基督徒,每當球隊奪冠,他便會向人們展示他身上所穿的為有「I Belong to Jesus」(我屬於耶穌)的一件白色T恤。他進球後的慶祝動作是跪在地上高舉雙手向主耶穌基督敬拜。他也會把他薪金的十分之一奉獻給巴西教會。(真的很虔誠 連鞋子上都有印 I belong to Jesus!)


2005年12月23日和卡羅琳·塞利科(Caroline Celico)在巴西的聖保羅結婚。他們的第一個孩子盧卡·塞利科·雷特(Luca Celico Leite),2008年6月10日在巴西的聖保羅出生。

Kaka Baby

哈哈...不知道該怎介紹他  以上資料全來自wikii  圖片我到處找的

卡卡最近拒絕了曼城開的1.2億歐元以及兩倍薪水的天價轉會 (世界第一次看到這種數字喔!)

可見他並非只是為了錢而踢球 而是因為熱愛足球而踢




In October 2000, at the age of 18, he was lucky not to be crippled when he suffered a horrific back injury after twisting his neck in a swimming pool accident.
“The doctors said that I was lucky even to be able to walk normally.”
He said: “Back at home we always thanked God because we knew that it was His hand that had saved and protected me.”

~"Kaka: Saved by Hand of God" ~ The Sun

"It is not my place to make judgments about the behaviour of any other footballer. Cars and women, things like that, have never been important to me. My family, and my belief in God and Jesus are the things which determine my life. I do want to live my life in the right way, and live my life close to God."

~ Kaka in UK Telegraph

AC Milan playmaker Kaka sees himself becoming an evangelical minister when he quits playing soccer.

"I would like that a lot," Kaka said in interview in the December issue of the Italian version of GQ, which was posted on the magazine's Web site on Wednesday. "It's a difficult road — you have to study theology and deepen your study of the Bible."

~ International Herrard Tribune

I am who i am inside or outside of the soccer field. I will not brawl, punch people or swear on the field because I don't want people to say," Look, that guy says one thing and does another".

I seek to be a role model in the club. I seek to demonstrate what God has done for me and that he can do it in their lives as well. I try to say something about Jesus, about life with God as much as possible, to counsel and help others.

~ Kaka in Athletes of Christ

He removed his jersey to reveal an "I Belong to Jesus" T-shirt and openly engaged in prayer moments after the final whistle of Milan's 2007 Champions League triumph. Kaká previously sported the same shirt during Milan's 2004 Scudetto celebration and after Brazil's defeat of Germany in the 2002 World Cup final, and had the same phrase, along with "God Is Faithful," stitched onto the tongues of his boots.[9] During the postmatch celebration following Brazil's 4-1 win over Argentina in the 2005 FIFA Confederations Cup final, he and several of his teammates, among them backup keeper Gomes and defender Lúcio, wore T-shirts with "Jesus Loves You" printed on them in various languages.

~ Wikipedia

You're brilliant player ! Do you make some rituals before the matches?
"No I don't but I pray and read Bible."

~ Ricardo-Kaka.com

To those who already have Jesus: you have made the best choice and are in the best team. Go ahead. Do not give up. The fight is great, but we can only win being on Jesus' side. To those who have not yet surrendered their lives to Jesus: What are you doing being outside of this team?! Come to learn the Word of God, come to know who God really is. Stop eating cookies, while God offers us a banquet...

最後放一下Addidas給Kaka做的impossible is nothing廣告



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